About Tic Tac

Sadly Angelica had to say good bye to her sweet boy Tic Tac on April 27, 2010.  We will miss him greatly and look forward to meeting again at the Bridge...RIP Mr. T

Power Tripp Eye Candy CGC
Nicknames: Mr. T; TT; the little guy

UPDATE! April 2008 Tic Tac is certified as a Delta Society Pet Partner!
Congrats to TT and Angelica!!

As described by his owner Angelica: "TT is the most biddable dog I have ever parented. He has amazing social attraction to people especially kids. He likes most dogs except for the obnoxious in your face hyper ones (who can blame him there). He LOVES food. He LOVES to tug. He does everything with great speed and gusto but tires after ten minutes, so he is what I call the “sprinting type”. His best friend is my Papillion, Bella. TT is preparing for competition agility, pet therapy, disc dog and rally O. He is a beautiful heeler. When he greets people he does the most adorable joy howl. It is the cutest thing ever. He is EXTREMELY cuddily. I love an affectionate dog and when you sit on the couch before you bottom hits the couch he is next to you for loving."

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