About Twist...

Power Tripp's Twist
Nicknames: Twistie, Wristie, Twistie Baby, Pretty girl, and 'dog'

A recent update from owner Kristen:  "She is so smart. Twist and I have been keeping busy. She loves long walks through the big park beside my house. She especially loves the dog park. She's really good with the other dogs but doesn't really like Black Labs. When she's in the dog park she tries to herd all the dogs. It's quite funny. We got a new kitten a few months ago. Twist and Charlie are best buds. Charlie's taken after Twist so much, he even eats dog food, and he's the only one who Twist lets go near her dishes while she's eating. They sleep together and she protects him from my other mean cat Toad. And he meows at her when he wants to play.  She's enjoying her life here with us, and we just couldn't imagine our family without her now!"

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